
Tone Studio

Tone Studio
Tone Studio is a sound design and post-production facility. Born out of our unconditional passion for hi-fi sound and music for moving images, Tone Studio developed to the tune of your requests and now offers a wide range of personalized services in an especially easy-going environment! All we wish for is to make you feel at home and to see you leave with a smile on your face at the end of the day. Our three-word motto: let’s be creative!

Logo câble
Since I was very young, I have been passionate about sound in all its forms. My years of learning composition and mixing went hand in hand with my passion for listening to hi-fi music until at university I had the idea of mixing a piece in a hi-fi sound system. A door opened to a universe where I spent the next 15 years trying to combine and give meaning and relevance to the reproduction of audiophile listening in a studio environment.

Crescendo cables are in a way the last link in this fine quest between pure hi-fi reproduction and listening needs in a studio environment. Finally, I say listen, but I realize a big dream for the first time: to be able to record my microphones and interconnect my modular synthesizers, consoles, patch bay and analog and digital external mastering devices using ``pure Hi-Fi`` cables and not to use pro audio cables.

Why Crescendo cables: this great passion for sound for me is a quest for the reproduction of timbre in order to challenge the audience. The sound is intangible, it is a flow of instantaneous information that we first capture at a macro level: the impacts, the rhythm, the groove, the emotion, the enveloping side of a mix, the interpretation, the story that is told to us in sound that supports the image. Is it neutral? Is it colorful? To ask the question is to answer it. There is a fine line between pure analytical hi-fi and performative, emotional hi-fi.

Crescendo cables were the best for navigating around this fine line between the very large amount of information captured and retransmitted and the emotion in all facets of sound reproduction, from the interpretation of a musician that I record for a musical cue, to the mix of the next video game soundtrack.

James Duhamel, Tone Studio